
Hospital Imelda Bonheiden Chooses Awingu

Imelda is a mid-sized regional hospital in Bonheiden, near Antwerp (Belgium). They employ about 1900 employees – a mix of Medical Doctors, Nurses, administrative staff and management. Awingu facilitates remote working and introduces Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), while significantly reducing IT support efforts.

The IT team was challenged by a growing demand for remote working and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device):

  1. Employees across the hospital demanded the ability to work remotely to increase efficiency (home, different hospital, patients, …)
  2. Medical Doctors are often running a private practice, next to their association to the hospital. They require a remote access to Imelda’s applications and files from their own device (an Apple MacBook, a tablet, …)
  3. The wide range of devices, security/compliance constraints and the complexity of use-cases was impossible to manage (cost) efficiently with the classic ‘agent-based’ tools (e.g. RDP, Citrix XenApp).


Secure remote access to Imelda’s applications from any type of device: Medical Doctors can securely work from their personal device in their own private practice.

No more remote printing issues: The ‘Awingu printer’ feature enables easy printing at home (or any other location) from a personal device.

Document sharing via Awingu: No longer via unsupported tools ‘on the side’ (e.g. WeTransfer, Dropbox).

No local agents to support and manage by the IT team: End-users access applications and files via a browser using their device of choice.

Improved efficiency of IT support via the ‘session sharing’ functionality: No more hassle with third party tools. Awingu offers everything ‘Out-of-the-Box’